Lucy Has Been Adopted!

I’m so excited! My name is Lucy, and I just got adopted. I am doing the happy dance. I loved my foster parents very much, and I will surely miss them and my playmates. But, this nice family wanted me and Carol decided it was OK to let me go. I love her so much for that.

I was rescued by WAG last year. I moved into foster care because I had a skin issue that needed lots of bathing and treatment. Foster care is so important to rescue dogs like me. At the kennels, it can be stressful, but all of the volunteers take such good care of my doggie friends at the kennel. I so hope for them all to get foster parents or be adopted. I learned so much in foster care about being a good dog, family manners, how a house works, and potty training. These skills are so important for a foster dog to learn. Plus, my skin and fur are so beautiful and lovely now.

I can not wait for my new adventures in life.

Would you like to foster a WAG dog? Please check out our Petfinder page to see all of our current dogs. You can contact WAG at 352-528-9888, or for any questions you may have on the foster, and our adoption process. We have one dog, Simon, that is really in need of a foster for his Heartworm treatment. Please consider fostering him.

Williston Animal Group is a 501C3 dog rescue located in Williston, Florida. We are fully staffed by volunteers and funded by amazing donors. We can not do what we do without the community.

Visit our Facebook page.

Sign up for our monthly newsletter.

J and J Adopted!

OOH, don’t you just love Happy Tails? Jesse, and Joey, have both found their forever homes.

I am actually quite surprised Joey lasted as long as he did at Williston Animal Group. He is a wonderful, handsome dog. Jesse is a young hound full of vim and vigor. They were not adopted by the same family, but a day apart. I hope they will have long and happy lives for many years to come.

Happy Tails, Jesse, and Joey!

Check out our Petfinder page to see all of the amazing dogs Williston Animal Group has available for adoption, foster, or sponsorship.

Follow us on Facebook

Sign up for our newsletter!

Williston Animal Group is a 501C3 dog rescue located in Williston, Florida. We are fully staffed by volunteers, and funded by awesome donors and community supporters.

Do You Need A Dollar?

Hello, and happy Thursday! Do you need a dollar?

Well, I am sorry to say Dollar has been adopted by his foster dad. WAG rescued Dollar, a 9-year-old English Bulldog from a kill shelter that had him on the soon to be killed list. He went right into foster care due to his age. Check out his handsome self in the pictures below. Kennel life is very hard on old dogs, puppies, and small breed dogs. We try not to take these types of dogs if we don’t have a foster available for them. We also foster heartworm-positive dogs through their treatment, as keeping them as quiet and calm as possible is imperative.

Foster parents are integral to any rescue, and we are looking for more. If you can foster one of our dogs at the kennel, that means we can pull and save the life of another dog at a shelter. Due to our volunteer situation, we try to cap the kennel population to ten dogs. We always need more volunteers, especially on weekends, and summer months.

Being a foster pet parent with WAG is easy. You just pick the dog you want to foster, from our Petfinder page, call us at 352-528-9888 to meet the dog, and for an interview, fill out the application and start fostering. WAG provides any vet care needed during the foster period, as well as flea, tick, and heartworm prevention. Please help us save more dogs, and foster a WAG dog.

The procedure is similar to being a volunteer. Just call us!

Williston Animal Group is a 501C3 dog rescue located in Williston, Florida. We are not the pound or a shelter. We pull dogs from local shelters, and high kill shelters, to save as many precious dog lives as we can. We are fully staffed by volunteers, and funded by donors and community supporters. If you would like to financially sponsor a WAG dog, please ask us about that too. None of what we do is free, and without money it is impossible.

Leave me a comment. I would love to talk with you.

Follow us on Facebook.

Sign up for our WAG newsletter.

A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll-free (800-435-7352) within the State. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the State. CH#: 29245.

Sweet Kinley Has Found Her Spring Break

Welcome back, lovely readers. I am here to report another Happy Tail ending.

Sweet Kinley, see her adorable self below, went into a foster home a couple of weeks ago, and was then adopted right out of foster care into her furever home. This young girl is not even a year old yet, and will hopefully live a long and happy life in her new home. Her brother Joey, just as sweet, and polite is still available for foster, adoption, or sponsor at Williston Animal Group. You can read about all of our awesome dogs, by browsing this blog, or visiting our Petfinder page. Please note if you visit the page that Tito, I believe, has also been adopted.

WAG is having an adoption event this Saturday, March 26th, at the new and awesome Tractor Supply in Williston, Florida from 10-2. Come on out and meet your new best friend.

We also really need sponsors and fosters. Sponsors help us by providing money for a dog’s care right through to adoption, allowing us to use funds on other things that we may need. You can choose the dog you would like to sponsor, and if you are a business we will thank you in very public ways, and you can even name the dog if you choose. WAG will send you updates on the dog’s progress with cute photos. Fosters take dogs out of the very stressful kennel environment into their home to start the learning process of being a pet, instead of a shelter dog. Sponsors and fosters are so important to a dog rescue. Please, if you are interested in sponsoring or fostering a WAG dog, please contact us at 352-528-9888 for more information.

Williston Animal Group is a 501C3 dog rescue located in Williston, Florida. We are fully staffed by volunteers and funded by public donors, and community supporters. Please consider helping WAG. Visit our help wanted page, to learn about all of the ways you can help WAG.

Follow us on Facebook.

Sign up for our Mailchimp monthly newsletter. Anyone can sign up for it, you don’t have to be local to us.

A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll-free (800-435-7352) within the State. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the State. CH#: 29245.

Graceful Gracie Has Been Adopted!

I didn’t figure it would take long for this beautiful dog to be adopted. But, I didn’t think it would be one day.

Gracie came to us in December from a high kill shelter where she was set to be euthanized. We have rescued several dogs now from places we would not normally pull from. These dogs were amazing dogs, but were going to be killed for no reason other than their 3-day hold was up and the county had no budget to care for them. We have already adopted out several of these dogs that would no longer be on this earth. I say this because if you live in a county where there is no budget, or a plan other than euthanizing, talk to your city government and encourage one.

Gracie did end up testing positive for heartworm and she was put into foster care to get her through the treatment. She finished her treatment Friday and became available for adoption. She was adopted yesterday! She is a lovely dog, with a lovely temperament.

We have 10 more amazing dogs waiting for their forever homes. Check out our Petfinder page and make an appointment to meet your new best friend today.

Williston Animal Group is a 501C3 dog rescue located in Williston, FL. We are fully staffed by volunteers, and funded by awesome donors and community supporters. If you would like to donate to WAG, please visit our Facebook fundraiser page.

Sign up for our monthly newsletter!

Grover The Saddest Reindeer Has Found His Forever Home!

You may remember reading about Grover, who was Rover. He was very shy and scared of humans. He does very well with other dogs, but not people.

One of our volunteers took him home as a foster and they absolutely fell in love with him. This is the best kind of foster failure there is. He is now happy and safe in his forever home.

Happy tails sweet Grover!

I love happy endings, don’t you?

WAG will be at Tractor Supply this Saturday from 10-2 for an adoption event, in Williston, Florida. Come on out and meet us. You might even want to volunteer with WAG.

Leo The Lion Has Been Adopted!

OK, so he really is more of a teddy bear than a lion. I didn’t even get to share his story before someone snatched him up.

WAG made the decision in late November to start pulling dogs from rural shelters with high kill rates. These shelters hold the dog for three days and if not claimed are put on the kill list. If a rescue does not save them they are killed. I assume this is for cats too. These rural shelters are small and have no budget or community support. So, animals are being euthanized at extremely high rates. Leo was only in our custody for about 2weeks and he was adopted, but he was going to be killed. Two other dogs, Cinnamon, and Benji also were set to be killed but were able to be adopted very quickly under our care. These were 3 perfectly wonderful dogs that were set to be killed for no reason whatsoever.

Leo is a very sweet boy and we are so happy to have saved him and now he is living happily with a loving family!

Please if you live in a rural town, ask your city officials how strays are dealt with and if you love dogs and cats try to encourage a better approach.

We are currently looking for a very special Medical Foster for Scarlett. You can read more about that here.

If you would like to learn more about how you can help WAG, click here.

Williston Animal Group is a 501C3 dog rescue located in Williston, Florida. We are fully staffed by volunteers and our funds come from donors and community supporters.

A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll-free (800-435-7352) within the State. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the State. CH#: 29245.

2022 Starts With A Bang For WAG!

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had an enjoyable start to the new year. We had amazing adoption stats in the month of December, and if that wasn’t good enough, January has started with a bang.

Xander my boy was adopted on January 2. His adopter has updated us on his progress and said he is settling in marvelously. Xander has been with WAG for a while now as have most of our currently available dogs. He had some behavior issues that our new dog trainer volunteer has helped us volunteers help Xander with. I will write more about her later in the week.

Happy Tails to Xander and his new owner! May they bring each other years of happiness!

If you would like to learn more about any of our available dogs, you can browse this blog, or visit our Petfinder page. Visit our Help Wanted page to learn about all of the ways you can help WAG.

Williston Animal Group is a 501C3 dog rescue located in Williston, Florida. We are fully staffed by volunteers, and all of our funds come from awesome donors.

A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll-free (800-435-7352) within the State. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the State. CH#: 29245.

Hades/Lonnie Is Checking In!

Lonnie, previously known as Hades, and his adopter Seth checked in with us at WAG to wish everyone a Happy Howlidays!

Seth gave me permission to share the videos and images below of Lonnie. Seth states, “Thank you for rescuing my best friend! I can’t begin to express the joy he has brought me this past year and a half and my family as well!” Seth also states they just celebrated Lonnie’s 3rd birthday, check out the adorable photos below.

Williston Animal Group loves it when previous adopters and adoptees check in with us and let us know how things are going. If you adopted a WAG dog in the past and would like to share some pictures and stories with us please reach out through Facebook and send a message. I would love to share your happy tail stories on this blog.

Williston Animal Group is a 501C3 dog rescue located in Williston, Florida. We are fully funded by awesome donors and all of our staff are awesome volunteers! If you would like to see our dogs available for adoption, browse through this blog, or visit our Petfinder page. Want to learn more about how you can Help WAG? Click to read more.

Right now WAG only has one official social media page, Facebook. But, be sure to watch for us on Twitter, Pinterest, and Tumbler coming up very soon. Follow us on Facebook.

A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll-free (800-435-7352) within the State. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the State. CH#: 29245

Keep Them Happy Tails Going!

Last week was an awesome week for WAG dogs! I already told you about Ashley and Lexi being adopted. Then, Carley and Rosie found their forever home. Plus, they were adopted together, which was what WAG was hoping for. These two were bonded and probably related. Finding two dogs a home together is a challenge.

WAG is so excited for them and their new life!

Be sure to browse through this blog, or visit our Petfinder page to see all of our available dogs to adopt.

If you would like to learn about all of the ways you can help WAG, visit our help wanted page. One easy way is to like and share the posts on this blog, and to click the follow button. This will help us to show up in search. You would be surprised how many people do not even know WAG is in their community.

Williston Animal Group, ie WAG, is a 501C3 dog rescue located in Williston, Florida. We are totally funded by awesome donors, and our staff is all volunteers.

WAG will be doing some awesome things in 2022 to further assist dogs in the community. Join us to help us achieve our mission.